Volunteering - IMPRO Amsterdam 2024

Hello dear volunteer!

Thank you so much for your interest in volunteering at IMPRO Amsterdam 2024 which is happening from February 17 to 24, 2024. IMPRO Amsterdam is a festival run completely by volunteers, and it wouldn’t exist without you!

There’s a huge amount of different things that need to be done before and during the festival and it’d be great if you wanted to help us out. Doesn’t matter if it’s just for an afternoon, or if you want to help out all week, we love having you with us.

To join us as a volunteer, just fill in the form to let us know your contact information, when you’re available and for how many days you’d like to volunteer, as well as any special skills you have!

What do you get as a volunteer?

As a volunteer you get the following:


If thing aren’t clear, please send a message to volunteers@impro-amsterdam.nl and we’ll answer any questions you have.


Thanks for your interest and support! At this point we have filled all volunteer shifts, but do feel free to leave us your application in case we need more support on short notice.