Teaching - IMPRO Amsterdam 2025

Hello Teacher! We want to learn about you.

Welcome to the teaching application for IMPRO Amsterdam 2025!
If you have an idea for a workshop that can benefit the improv community, we want to hear all about it.

This year’s festival will run from 15 to 22 February 2025 in Amsterdam Noord, centered around 't Zonnehuis (Zonneplein 30, 1033 EK Amsterdam).

Workshops are one of the biggest draws for festival attendees — the more interesting, unusual, supportive, and diverse, the better.

What are we looking for?

We’re looking for a wide variety of workshops — we’re open to all backgrounds, levels of difficulty, subjects, and styles — that can help our festival attendees learn, grow, and connect. Our workshop offerings start at 3 hours and have no maximum length, although they are rarely longer than three full workshop days (18 hours).

IMPRO Amsterdam festival attendees themselves come from a wide range of backgrounds and have many different levels of improv experience, and we’d like to cater to all of them. That means that we’re looking for everything, including (but not limited to):

From a teaching style/methodology standpoint, we’re looking for:

What’s in it for you?

If your workshop is selected, the festival offers:

Selected workshops could be scheduled anytime from 15 to 22 February, so please be sure to  your availability before submitting!

Deadline to apply

The form to apply will be open until 30 September, 2024.

We will let you know whether or not you have been selected before the end of October.

What if I want to do something else in the festival too?

You can also apply for other roles in the festival — all applications have the same deadline:

What do we need from you?

Pretty much what you’d expect — some information about you for our marketing, contact info, and a pitch for your jam.

Your email and phone numbers will not be communicated to anyone other than festival organizers and your members.

If you have any questions, you can reach Erica (Artistic Director) at arti@impro-amsterdam.nl.

Warm regards,
IMPRO Amsterdam Team